
Haziran, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Educational Experience - Revision

Educational Experience is a theory that aims to offer students and teachers optimum learning and teaching experience. Involving both students and teachers, educational experience creates a meaningful, effective, interactive, facilitated, assisted and "experience-full" environment by basing its foundations on four factors: cognitive presence, social presence, teaching presence, and transactional presence. Here are the four factors: Cognitive presence is the significant element in which students confront with the information, discuss/ think critically over the subject, create new ideas, and share them with other students, with the help of activities and tasks whereby the students get to establish and maintain an interaction to spread the ideas being in touch. Cognitive presence is based on the iterative relationship between personal and shared dialogue. Social presence is what a student need to feel during the class. Feeling to belong to a particular place and feeling the clos...

Use of VR and AR in Education

 In today's post, we are going to talk about Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and more importantly their use in education . So, let's get started with the definitions. Our first part will be about virtual reality. What is Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?      By the definition of Wikipedia, Virtual Reality (aka VR) is simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. VR is used in education, entertaining and bussiness. VR emerged in 20th century, but 21th has been the milestone for the development of it.     As for the Augmented Reality, it is actually a improved version of Virtualy reality in that Augmented Reality builds its power more on an interactive experience of real-world environment by refering to sensory modalities like visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. Thefore, AR is a sophisticated extension of VR. Now, let us get deep into the use of VR and AR in the field education . Use of Vi...

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